Livingston Athletic Club Livingston Athletic Club

2009 Club Championships - Sat 22 Aug

 15 July 2009

The Club Championships will be held at Craigswood on Saturday 22 August.

Entry forms can be downloaded using the link below, and are also being handed out at the club desk on Wednesday nights.

Completed paper entry forms should be returned to the club desk on Wednesday nights along with the entry fee of £6 per athlete.

Alternatively, you can enter online and pay the £6 entry fee by credit/debit card: Online Entry.

The entry closing dates are:
Wed 19th Aug @ 7.00pm for Livingston AAC athletes wanting to compete in the medley relay.
Thurs 20th Aug @ 9.00pm for everyone else.
No late entries or entries on the day.

The format is similar to previous years, with the following highlights:
Medals will be presented for 1st/2nd/3rd in each event for each age group, which athletes from all West Lothian athletic clubs are eligible to win.
The Club Champions will be decided using combined events scoring, with the winners in each age group having the highest points total. So the faster you run, or the further you throw/jump, then the higher your points score. Every millisecond and every centimetre counts!
Senior athletes can choose to nominate one event at the August or September Grangemouth Open Graded Meetings, that isn't offered on the Club Championships day, as one of their four Championship events.
A sports massage therapist will be available on the day between 12.30 PM and 3.30 PM to help relive any aches and pains, and rejuvenate tired muscles.
The medley relay is being sponsored by Run and Become again, with a £20 gift voucher for each member of the winning team.
There will be two guest events for siblings aged under 9, a 60m sprint and a standing long jump, with a medal for every competitor. Free entry, contact Alistair to enter.

Unfortunately, for the 2nd year in a row there is no high jump competition, as the mats are damaged and West Lothian Leisure are yet to repair or replace them.

The club require parents to help officiate the field events (no experience necessary). All helpers get free refreshments. If you'd like to help, please contact Alistair.

Full event details and competition rules are available on the entry form.
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